September 2016 archive

Lighting Candles- Wellness Blog #1

“It’s better to light a candle than to the curse the darkness” because life is more meaningful when positive mindsets develop. Optimistic thinking is what leads us to persevere through the difficulties of the world day in and day out. This “count my many blessings” attitude has allowed me to experience a healthy amount of emotional wellness in my life.

Emotional Wellness

“Being emotionally well is more than just handling stress.” Emotional Wellness is defined as the ability to recognize and share a wide range of thoughts and feelings in constructive ways that promote a positive atmosphere, strong self-esteem, and attitude. 

Too me emotional wellness is only as strong as your ability to maintain balance in the social portion of your life. 

Social Wellness

Social Wellness is defined as being able to establish strong relationships with people, work through conflict effectively and create a positive social network or support group.


Growing up in an unstable home environment with a physically and mentally ill mother caused me to crave stability. My desire to create stability in my life would lead me to take refugee in the education system. Through the support of several middle school teachers, I developed determination and confidence, two of my greatest attributes which have blessed my life.

The impact these teachers had on my life would lead me to develop my passion for improving education for everyone. In order to make high school more meaningful I took part in a new educational experience, Personalized Learning. Being able to have a voice in my educational pathway gave me a unique opportunity to develop an internship program with the middle school that had made the young woman I am today. 

Though my internship focuses on learning what it is like to be a teacher and an administrator, I still focus a majority of my energy on building a strong support system for students. I have been able to develop motivational relationships with at-risk students with the goal of ultimately inspiring them to become leaders for themselves and in the world.  Similar to how those teachers supported me to grow. 

Create a positive atmosphere in order to feel peace. Realize who you are and learn to love yourself. Once you learn to love yourself reach out to others and be their support group like others were for you.


A person lit your candle, then you began to light your own, one day you will light the candles of others……