Archive of ‘20% Project’ category

Co-Creation of the Future Vista High School

Every minute a child is losing hope in our education system as they sit there disengaged, and bored.

This truth speaks loudly as one of the words associated most with school is irrelevant!

The fact that students feel disconnected and see learning as a waste of their time has led to the startlingly statistic that  1 in 12 students will drop out of high school.

Now is our time to act to save the next generation, but we must be willing to change our mindset, which is exactly what Vista High School is doing.


Last year, Vista High School piloted a program about Personalized Learning called the Personalized Learning Academy that was structured around four basic components: Voice, Co-Creation, Social Construction, and  Self Discovery.

Credit: Allison Zmuda

Voice: The vocalization of student’s strengths, interests and values within their educational pathway

Co-Creation: The sweet spot where students and teachers come together to develop areas of study that promote a theme that supports student’s strengths, interests and values in a challenging, yet captivating way.

Social Construction: One of the true action phases where students lead and build on their ideas through collaboration with peers and others to inquire and investigate in order to develop solutions for a common goal.

Self-Discovery: Where students come to learn about themselves in and outside the context of learning in order to discover their strengths, interests and values so that they can find their forever changing path in life.

Roughly 165 juniors took part in the PLA, which served as one of the primary components and examples of reimagining high school in our grant application to the XQ Super School Project, which we were one of ten schools in the nation to receive in order to combat that statistic.

Professional Development

On March 23rd 2017, co-creation truly took on another level of meaning as Vista High teachers, current Vista High students and a team of eighth graders — seven from Vista Innovation and Design Academy, and three from Roosevelt Middle School — worked together to develop the curriculum and potential experiences for Vista High School’s incoming freshman class.

During our break, I pulled the VIDA students into another room to ask them about their thoughts.

At first, they were unsure of how to respond, so I divided them into sections each representative of a house.

I assigned each a topic, and mandated a specific requirement and proceeded to ask: How do you feel about this? Do you feel engaged, motivated and or inspired?

Unanimously, the response was no, since having no say in what “we” doesn’t make for an engaging and interesting school experience.

Photo by Jennifer Ludwig

In response, I changed the scenario.

The scenario now gives each of the houses I have put them in the autonomy to choose what they’re passionate about. Then, I asked them, “what would you do?”

To my heart’s joy, the students spoke of choosing individual topics within their overall chosen theme for each semester. Eventually, they came to the conclusion that the semester should be divided into two segments each focusing on different aspects of design thinking all targeted at achieving developing and refining plausible and workable solutions.

For example, one student explained how within the first section of the semester students would focus on gaining empathy through research, ideating and prototyping. Another student, building off of the first’s idea, then explained how the next segment would be dedicated to testing their prototype and several reiterations.

My heart swelled as I heard these students using the Design Thinking Process, which they have spent the last three years using. Now, I know that they not only can apply this technique, but will apply it in their lives going into the future.

I am beyond excited to see how these students will continue to shape the educational transformation at Vista High School.

Our future is truly in the hands of the great future leaders, thinkers, creators, and inventors of tomorrow!






Once In a Lifetime

“Send Ms. James up to the principals office” usually has a negative stigma to it; however, in my case it has only opened up a world of opportunity that I never could have imagined, at least once I got over my fear of being in trouble.

For the past year and a half, every call to the principal’s office has been aimed at providing my voice in the educational reformation at Vista High School. In the 2015-2016 school year, a team of eight teachers, two from each core discipline: English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science, and 165 juniors broke a traditional educational mold together within our school-within-a school named the Personalized Learning Academy.

Within our academy the true meaning behind school, learning and the importance of receiving an education was reimagined. 

It’s  our belief that to prepare students for the world ahead school must promote self-discovery, voice and choice, collaborative work and soft skill training.

During the first year of the academy, we wrote a grant to the  XQ Super School Project in order to help us offer this experience to all students sooner rather than later. Below is a glimpse of our story:

XQ Super School- Vista High School

The world opened up in a way I never imagined when I decided to take a leap of faith on the Personalized Learning Academy.  Without the flexibility of this program, I wouldn’t have been given the opportunity to delve into my passions, which took on a tangible form within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number four: Quality Education.

Roughly a year and a half ago, I developed an internship program with a local magnet middle school, Vista Innovation and Design Academy, where I supported at-risk and struggling math students. Beginning in August, I left the classroom to work alongside the Principal of VIDA in order to understand another point-of-view within the education system.  (Click here to learn more)

Fast forward to the half-way point of senior year, where I am blessed with the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend the Model United Nations: Change the World Conference in New York City because my teachers believed that I could bring about change in the world, my passion for sustainable development goal #4 and my dream of one day being a consultant to the United Nations on Education. 

The day we left felt so surreal. Below is how I have chosen to share this experience which leaves me speechless even weeks later. This trip will always have a very special place in my heart.

CWMUN NYC Trip by Slidely Slideshow

Throughout the entire experience, my eyes were opened to the sensational world in a way I never imagined. To be in the world’s most cosmopolitan city, where diversity flourishes in such a unique way taught me about the importance of keeping an open mind because you’ll never know what you will miss out on.

To close, I would like to say, “The future of the world is what we choose to make of it as the creative leaders, thinkers, problem finders and solution designers in tomorrow’s world of changing beliefs and ideals.”

Thank you!



The Destruction That Comes From Candy

“Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” -Joseph Campbell

This quote truly represents my theme of the week when it comes to interning at Vista Innovation and Design Academy.



Halloween, is a time for joy, laughter, excitement and mark the beginning of the end of the year festivities.However, Halloween can also be extremely stressful, especially when it comes to middle schoolers.



The ragging hormones are beginning, the awkward transition between child to teenager intensifies their personalities, but add candy to the mix… and chaos begins.

Candy Chaos

Candy Chaos

Many of you are aware, Halloween fell on a Monday this year. and as if trying to engage students isn’t already difficult enough  the idea of candy, parties and festivities derails an entire lesson plan.

Children bounce out of their chairs, refuse to work, talk back and well some may even take off out of class thinking you might not notice. Well we notice, and  do locate these “clever students” in any fashion.

Possibly, the best moment on Monday was following one of those clever students down the hall and as he turned into the hallway of love, calling out. ” are you going to the bathroom? Because if you are, you’re passing it.”

The look of absolute fear and embarrassment was enough to have me laugh it off and tell him, ” look walking out is never going to work for you, you’re impossible not to notice.”

The following day is just as unique, the excitement has died down; however, the candy hangover remains to diminish their ability to focus. Candy highs spark energy bursts throughout the day, but the damage is done.

Eric, the principal, and I.

Eric, the principal, and I.

Now I wonder, why is it that the day after Halloween isn’t a day off for teachers, or a day off for students? I admire those that I work with because even though the chaos from Halloween inspired a week worth of chaos, we still find a way to put a smile on each others face.

Happy Friday!

17 going on Administrator- Blog Post of Choice

Chaos, excitement, joy, stress and passion overcome me as I walk through the office of Vista Innovation and Design Academy every day.

At any given moment, I find myself diving deep into VIDA’s culture. In Spanish, vida means life and for me VIDA is my life.

I can be found:

  •  leading impromptu tours around campus to a diverse variety of people:
    • Some below my waist and others that tower over me, physically and mentally.
  • Email communication has become my new form of texting
  • District meetings, site meetings make up my social life
  •  Educational buzzwords fuel my mind
  • Student relationship building
  • Impromptu math lessons after school
  • Teacher aide fill-in
  • and even  “acting” assistant principal according to some students

What makes this experience truly unique is that I am a high school senior, who is tackling real world situations in order to figure out my path for the future.

Junior Year

Early into my junior year of high school, when the principal and a few seventh grade math teachers presented me a problem  I decided to tackle it.  I ran the idea by several teachers before even walking into the principal’s secretary’s office to schedule an appointment.  The day of my appointment I walked into his office, shook his hand, and told him confidently my plan and well I impressed him so much I have practically an open door policy with him.

My Master Teacher, my students and Design Expo pictures.

My master teacher, my students and Design Expo pictures.

” Confidence, passion and drive are key to making ideas come true”

From the day I began my internship in January, I hit the ground running.

At first, my internship was just an act of service; however, within a short amount of time it became so much more. I spent a majority of time with a group of at-risk students, trying to help them press forward with math. I learned to be empathetic, even when I felt like a broken record. It was all worth it the day a boy I had been helping with equations for weeks finally understood, and his eyes lit up. I had never felt so proud. While guiding students my junior year, I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I am passionate about improving society and have a strong desire to help others.

Senior Year

My senior year I decided to take my internship outside of the classroom and focus on administration. Through learning district policy and rationale I have been able to develop a broader perspective, focus on building community partnerships and still maintain strong relationships with the students I helped teach the year before. 

This is my way of recording and expressing my experiences within district administration.





Spiritual Wellness – Wellness Blog #2

Finding meaning in life events, demonstrate individual purpose, & live a life that reflects your values and beliefs.

Core Beliefs

Spiritual Wellness is more than just a belief in God, it helps us to recognize the core set of integral values each of us posses. Each person’s set of morals and values differ, yet some people have a heightened sense of moral, this strength is called Belief.

Having a strong sense of Belief means that you have specific ethics and principles that are unchanging in life. These beliefs guide your work and way of life making you dependable and passionate about the tasks you take on.


“The basis of spirituality is discovering a sense of meaningfulness in your life and coming to know that you have a purpose to fulfill.”

We tend to neglect our human spirit and deny it of what it needs to thrive because we become too consumed in our daily lives.  Being able to realize when you are constantly running around and not taking a moment to breath is essential to maintaining balance in your life.

Taking a moment to reflect, breath and even just stop everything is a component to becoming successful.


As person that is labeled as the “yes gal,” I sometimes forget to take a step back and reflect before I commit myself to cause. I used to spread myself so thin that I wasn’t able to commit myself fully to everything I said I was going to do. 

Not being able to do everything and becoming too overwhelmed with responsibilities taught me the importance of learning how to just say “no.” No one is perfect and can tackle the entire world.  I learned how much easier it is to accomplish more meaningful tasks when you make sure you have the time, effort and ability to do it. 


Remembering to take a step back in order to breathe and reflect is essential to gaining Spiritual Wellness. Spiritual Wellness is a firm foundation to improving physical and mental health, since it directly affects self esteem and a person’s outlook on life. 





Lighting Candles- Wellness Blog #1

“It’s better to light a candle than to the curse the darkness” because life is more meaningful when positive mindsets develop. Optimistic thinking is what leads us to persevere through the difficulties of the world day in and day out. This “count my many blessings” attitude has allowed me to experience a healthy amount of emotional wellness in my life.

Emotional Wellness

“Being emotionally well is more than just handling stress.” Emotional Wellness is defined as the ability to recognize and share a wide range of thoughts and feelings in constructive ways that promote a positive atmosphere, strong self-esteem, and attitude. 

Too me emotional wellness is only as strong as your ability to maintain balance in the social portion of your life. 

Social Wellness

Social Wellness is defined as being able to establish strong relationships with people, work through conflict effectively and create a positive social network or support group.


Growing up in an unstable home environment with a physically and mentally ill mother caused me to crave stability. My desire to create stability in my life would lead me to take refugee in the education system. Through the support of several middle school teachers, I developed determination and confidence, two of my greatest attributes which have blessed my life.

The impact these teachers had on my life would lead me to develop my passion for improving education for everyone. In order to make high school more meaningful I took part in a new educational experience, Personalized Learning. Being able to have a voice in my educational pathway gave me a unique opportunity to develop an internship program with the middle school that had made the young woman I am today. 

Though my internship focuses on learning what it is like to be a teacher and an administrator, I still focus a majority of my energy on building a strong support system for students. I have been able to develop motivational relationships with at-risk students with the goal of ultimately inspiring them to become leaders for themselves and in the world.  Similar to how those teachers supported me to grow. 

Create a positive atmosphere in order to feel peace. Realize who you are and learn to love yourself. Once you learn to love yourself reach out to others and be their support group like others were for you.


A person lit your candle, then you began to light your own, one day you will light the candles of others……